Children & Families
Joyful Journey brings children preschool – elementary and their families together for 90 minutes of games, music, story, dinner, and crafts, all centered in learning stories from the Bible and their connection to everyday life.
Joyful Journey meets the 2nd Saturday of the month 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Oct - Dec and Feb - May)

St Paul supports the work of the following community agencies: Grace Center, Open Door Food Pantry, Younity, Action, Inc., Sunrise Foundation, and Wellspring.
In addition, many of our members live out their faith through their involvement with organizations that contribute to the well-being of life on Cape Ann. Some of these organizations are: Lanesville Community Center, Pigeon Cove Circle, Backyard Growers, and the Legion Band.

Confirmation is a faith formation process for middle school youth. Through teaching, projects, and conversation students learn the basic teachings of the Christian faith, as they are understood by Lutherans.
Youth are invited to use their gifts and talents as leaders and helpers of Joyful Journey, our faith formation with young children and their families.

Bible studies, book discussions, fellowship opportunities, and spiritual practices are offered throughout the year for adults. Consult our newsletter for current offerings.
Spiritual direction is also available through our Pastor.